
Tru Cool 47391 40k GVW Transmission Coolers in Stock and Ready to Ship

The 40,000 GVW Tru-Cool 47391 is now in stock and ready to ship from Oregon Performance Transmission.

The Low Pressure Drop, or LPD47391, is by far our most popular cooler for RV towing or heavy duty use.

Due to the Coronavirus shutdowns, there have been many backorders and shortages of this transmission cooler this year. Oregon Performance Transmission has these coolers in stock and ready to ship to you immediately.

This universal fit 40k GVW oil cooler offers the ultimate protection against overheating transmissions, and will install in most full size trucks and SUV applications with excellent results. The 47391 is perfect for heavy towing or hot summer driving, and is a must for heavy duty applications, including racing. Keeping your cooler temperatures low is the first step in avoiding premature, costly repairs, and transmission rebuilds.

Known by multiple names and part numbers, this is the ultimate automatic transmission cooler.

Click here to purchase.

For smaller trucks and passenger cars, Tru-Cool has a full line of fluid coolers to meet your application needs. Click below for the full product line.

Tru Cool full product line

If you have any questions or need assistance with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Which servo should I choose?

FAQ: Do I need the standard corvette servo or the servo with the longer pin? And what about the 4th gear billet servo?

If you have a 700R4, 4L60E, 4L65E, or 4L70E automatic transmission, and want to upgrade your servo, you have several different options available to you:

  1. Corvette servo
  2. Corvette servo with longer pin
  3. Billet 4th gear servo

First, you can install just the standard corvette servo found here

With this servo, right away you’ll notice faster and firmer 1-2 shifts and even slightly better 2-3 shifts. Also, this servo will give your transmission 50% more apply pressure, just what you need to keep from burning your transmission up under heavy load situations.

The corvette servo is a great upgrade for not a lot of money, and you do not need to take the transmission out to install it. Our servo comes with two rigid seals and two rubber seals, as well as 3 pages of instructions for easy and detailed installation.

Second, you can install the standard corvette servo with the longer pin found here

With this package, you get the corvette servo outlined above and you get the longer pin all in one package. The included longer-than-stock servo pin does a great job of getting your band adjusted to the right clearance. It’s almost more important to get the right clearance than it is to change to the corvette servo.

Not sure if you need the longer pin? You can test your clearance by pushing in on your servo cover. If you notice that it moves in between 1/8″-1/4″, you know you need the longer pin. This is way too much travel, as the clearance should be closer to 1/16″.

Also, since the servo isn’t traveling as far before it applies the band, the 1-2 and even the 3-4 shift will be much quicker.

Finally, you can install the standard corvette servo, and purchase the 4th gear billet servo found here

With these two products, you’ll get all the benefit of the corvette servo, as well as better holding capacity in 4th gear. Plus, if you go this route, you won’t need to buy the servo with the longer pin.  The reason is because this 4th gear billet servo is manufactured with tighter tolerances, which tightens up the clearance issue that the longer pin typically tackles. 

If money allows, Oregon Performance Transmission recommends purchasing the standard corvette servo, as well as the 4th gear billet servo. 

If you have any questions about servos, or which combination might be right for your vehicle, please do not hesitate to contact us at for more information.



Transmission Failure and Snowplowing

Snowplow season is upon us for many across the country.  

Plowing and towing at low speeds with an automatic transmission can produce a huge amount of heat, and when it comes to transmission life and longevity, heat is the number one enemy.

If you find yourself needing to rebuild or upgrade your transmission this winter, and you will be plowing or towing, we really recommend our high performance rebuild kits. Our HP kits come with Red lined clutches and Black Kolene steel plates. These clutches are specifically designed to handle 300% more heat than the factory type clutches, and considerably more than the HD high energy clutches. We have HP rebuild kits from Oregon Performance Transmission for the Ford, Chevy, and Dodge transmissions, as well as top quality shift kits to compliment your rebuild.

Our high performance rebuild kits can be found by clicking on the popular transmission application links below.

Chevrolet HP Rebuild Kits

Dodge HP Rebuild Kits
A518, 46rh, 46re
A618, 47re, 47rh

Ford HP Rebuild Kits
AODE, 4R70W, 4R75W, 4R70E, 4R75E
E4OD, 4R100

Even though it’s winter and cold outside, if you are snowplowing or towing, we strongly recommend installing a transmission cooler as well. Our best-selling transmission cooler is the 47391 40,000 GVW Low Pressure Drop cooler from Tru-Cool. This cooler is a work horse and will definitely help keep your transmission temperatures low. You can find it on our website, under part number LNG-47391.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at

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