
Transmission Failure and Snowplowing

Snowplow season is upon us for many across the country.  

Plowing and towing at low speeds with an automatic transmission can produce a huge amount of heat, and when it comes to transmission life and longevity, heat is the number one enemy.

If you find yourself needing to rebuild or upgrade your transmission this winter, and you will be plowing or towing, we really recommend our high performance rebuild kits. Our HP kits come with Red lined clutches and Black Kolene steel plates. These clutches are specifically designed to handle 300% more heat than the factory type clutches, and considerably more than the HD high energy clutches. We have HP rebuild kits from Oregon Performance Transmission for the Ford, Chevy, and Dodge transmissions, as well as top quality shift kits to compliment your rebuild.

Our high performance rebuild kits can be found by clicking on the popular transmission application links below.

Chevrolet HP Rebuild Kits

Dodge HP Rebuild Kits
A518, 46rh, 46re
A618, 47re, 47rh

Ford HP Rebuild Kits
AODE, 4R70W, 4R75W, 4R70E, 4R75E
E4OD, 4R100

Even though it’s winter and cold outside, if you are snowplowing or towing, we strongly recommend installing a transmission cooler as well. Our best-selling transmission cooler is the 47391 40,000 GVW Low Pressure Drop cooler from Tru-Cool. This cooler is a work horse and will definitely help keep your transmission temperatures low. You can find it on our website, under part number LNG-47391.

As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us at

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