
Recommended products for the 4R70W AODE 4R75E 4R75W transmission

Looking for products to upgrade your 4R70W transmission? Below is a list of the most popular products we sell for the 4R70W AODE 4R75E 4R75W transmission.

We offer two different rebuild kits, a standard rebuild kit and a high performance version.  The standard rebuild kit is listed on our website under part number  ORE-AODE-RB, and the high performance kit is part number ORE-AODE-RB-HP.  The standard kit includes everything you see in the photograph below; clutches, steel plates, overdrive and reverse bands, the filter, the Transtec gasket set and the front and rear bushings.



The high performance kit includes all of the same products, however, the clutches are the high performance Red Raybestos brand and the steel plates are the black Kolene steels.  Also, both the overdrive and the reverse band are in Kevlar with the HP kit.



With every rebuild,  we always recommend a good shift kit as a compliment to the new transmission.  For the 4R70W AODE 4R75E 4R75W transmission, the Transgo shift kit has proven to be a very effective upgrade.  We have it listed under part number  TRG-SKAODE.  The shift kit helps address the overdrive band failure in this transmission as well as cleaning up the shifting, giving cleaner, more firm shifts.  It increases the lube to some of the bearing areas, eliminating the bearing failures.  It definitely helps keep the new transmission from burning up.




We also recommend installing a new separator plate with your rebuild.  The Superior “Super Tough Plate” saves time and money by preventing costly No-Go’s and comebacks in the Late 2000-up 4R70W AODE 4R75E 4R75W transmissions by helping to eliminate plate cracking and cross leaks caused by constant pounding from the2-3 Accumulator Piston Spring Retainer on the stock separator plate.  We have it listed under part number SUP-K092.



If you do not already have one and you plan to do this rebuild yourself, we highly recommend the ATSG transmission rebuild manual for the AODE transmission.  You can find it under part number ATSG-AOD-E.  It is a paperback manual filled with exploded view diagrams, diagnosis and rebuilding instructions.  We also carry the update handbook for the Ford AODE 4R70W 4R75E 4R75W transmission under part number ATSG-AOD-EU. It covers all changes that have occurred from 1992-UP including parts affected by the changes, interchangeability, and part numbers.

These manuals are a must for any DIY-er.  Even the professional shops use these high-quality ATSG manuals.










Part number SNX-SBK-F6 will be the Torrington bearing kit you will need for this transmission.   It is recommend to replace the Torrington bearings.  The rear #9 Torrington goes out in these transmissions very often so it is something you definitely want to change.



If the transmission has many miles on it, you will want to consider changing out the electronics as well.  Here are the parts you will need:


  1. Shift solenoid pack, part number NTP-47871L
  2. TCC solenoid, part number NTP-47870L
  3. Pressure control solenoid, part number NTP-47879M


Instead of looking for electronics a la carte, we do also carry a complete electronics kit for the AODE 4R70W 4R75E 4R75W transmission, part number OPT-AODE-ELEC.  This kit will contain the internal wiring harness, case connector, dual pack shift solenoids, torque converter clutch solenoid (TCC), electronic pressure control solenoid (EPC), the temperature sensor (included with the internal harness in years 1998 and up) the output speed sensor and the turbine speed sensor (in years 2004 and up).  This kit makes it easy to purchase everything you need to change out your electronics in one complete package. 

Finally, one of the problems with these transmissions is they don’t get the end play correct so everything is sliding back and forth uncontrollably which can cause a transmission to burn up way too soon.  It is highly recommended to get rid of excess slop in the transmission by using this selective thrust washer kit, part number NTP-K47940.

All of the products mentioned above are in stock and available for shipment right away.  Because there are slight differences in products based on your transmission year, be sure to ask if you have any questions about your application and parts compatibility.  We are always available via email at



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