
Do I need a thermal bypass?

Fall is a great time to consider installing a transmission cooler in your vehicle. For many people, the busyness of summer travel has settled down, the kids are back in school, and there’s finally time to work on vehicle projects before the snow and freezing temperatures hit.

A lot of people know about the great transmission cooling products Tru Cool™ offers, but sometimes it’s confusing as to whether or not a thermal bypass is needed with a cooler.

Our most popular transmission cooler from Tru-Cool™, part number LNG-47391, has a sister cooler under part number LNG-4739. The only difference between the two? The 4739 comes with a thermal bypass, while the 47391 does not.

So what is a thermal bypass?

The thermal bypass is a small added valve that goes in the transmission line.  When the transmission is cold, the thermal bypass will “bypass” the cooler so it can bring the transmission up to operating temperature more quickly.

Do I need a thermal bypass?

A bypass is not something that is typically needed unless you live in a fairly cold climate; for example, a place where temperatures in the winter are regularly below 32°F.

I already own a cooler but it doesn’t have a bypass.  Can I buy the bypass separately and add it on?

Yes.  The bypass works very well with other coolers, such as the Tru Cool™ 49211 cooler.  So if you already have a cooler you like, adding the bypass on is definitely okay. 

Where can I buy a thermal bypass?

We sell the bypass individually under part number LNG-4739P6

If you would like to purchase a cooler with a bypass, we sell that package under part number LNG-4739.


If you do not need the thermal bypass but do need a great transmission cooler, and have the available space, we have that product under part number LNG-47391.


For more information about transmission or engine oil coolers, please feel free to contact us at 


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