
Two additional ways to save money

Did you know that Oregon is one of the last few states in the U.S. without a sales tax?  This means that when you shop with us, you pay zero sales tax!  Depending on the size of your order, this could mean a significant savings.

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In addition, Oregon Performance Transmission is now offering free U.S. shipping on all orders over $25.00.

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Free shipping includes all 50 states and all US territories including Guam, Saipan, and Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and all military APO’s. 

Free shipping does not necessarily mean slow shipping. Whenever possible we ship via USPS First Class mail for all items weighing 0-13 ounces.  For smaller items that weigh more than 13 ounces, we ship via USPS Priority Mail (2-3 day delivery).

We ship larger, heavier items such as rebuild kits and torque converters, via FedEx Ground. FedEx Ground estimates between 1-5 business days (excluding Sunday) for delivery, depending upon location and distance from Oregon.

Shipping time depends upon when the order is received. Most items are shipped within 24 hours.  Items purchased after 10:00 a.m. PST may not be shipped until the following day.  Some larger item orders received on Friday after 10:00 a.m. PST may not be shipped until the following Monday.

For additional questions regarding shipping or any other inquiries, please contact Oregon Performance Transmission directly at


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