
FAQ: Torque Converter Splines



Q: I need a new converter for my 700R4 and I want to make sure I order the right one. I see you offer a 27-spline, and a 30-spline option. Which one do I need?

A: Sometimes just knowing your transmission year, or your casting number on your transmission case, is not enough to ensure you are ordering the correct converter. The reason is because a popular upgrade on the 1982-1984 transmission is to upgrade the 27-spline shaft to the later, stronger, 30-spline shaft. This is why it’s a good idea to count your splines just to be sure.

Q: Which splines do I count — the inner or the outer ones?

A: You will want to count the outer splines on your existing converter — the smaller ones that are closest to the end of the output shaft. These can be difficult to count so you will need to take your time.

If you have any questions about which converter will work best with your application, please feel free to email us at any time at sales@oregonperformancetransmission

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